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Brief introduction of pond water treatment system

Addtime:2019-01-25       Hits:2883
  Swimming is a popular sport with strict requirements on water quality. If the water quality of the swimming pool is not good, it will not only fail to achieve the purpose of exercise, but also become a place where the transmission of germs endangers the health of swimmers.
  The swimming pool has a suitable water temperature and a sufficient source of organic matter in the water. It provides breeding environment for typhoid fever, dysentery, hepatitis, acute conjunctivitis, and other pathogenic bacteria. In addition, there are many viruses in addition to bacteria. For example, hepatitis viruses and sexually transmitted diseases viruses can spread in water. Therefore, the necessity of disinfecting swimming pool water is very important.
  All countries have strict regulations on the water quality standard of swimming pools. At present, China has formulated and issued two technical regulations, “Sanitary Standards for Swimming Places” and “Design Specifications for Swimming Pool Water Supply and Drainage”.
  The water of swimming pool is recycled water which is not equal to the stagnant water. It is required that water circulation system in the swimming pool should work uninterruptedly, and the monitoring system should be detected in real time. According to the requirements of the "Sanitary Standards for Swimming Places", the swimming pool shall have equipment for purification and disinfection of pool water circulation. The circulating purification water supply system refers to the system which can take out the pool water that has been used with specified flow rate and flow rate and sterilize and heat the water after clearing and purifying. The water will be delivered back to the swimming pool for reuse when it meets the relevant water quality standard.
  The swimming pool water treatment is the process of purifying by circulating filtration through special swimming water treatment equipment. In addition, it is also required to be sterilized by professional equipment, chemically treated, sterilized, flocculated, algae-removed, etc. to (using diatom earth filter does not need to add flocculants and algaecides) make the pool water clean. These two processes need to be carried out at the same time to ensure that the water quality of the pool water meets the national standards and is indispensable in the swimming pool water treatment process.

  The swimming pool water treatment system is subject to the principle of dynamic balance, and the water quality is thoroughly purified during the recycling process.
  The collected swimming pool water enters the water treatment machine room, and is filtered by the circulating water pump to filter out the hair and larger-sized particles and debris. After the pretreatment, it enters the flocculent automatic adding system. The controlling and metering pump add flocculent in proportion to the circulating water pipeline to promote the condensation of the tiny substances in the colloidal state of the circulating water into larger flocs. If the water quality is poor, it can be completely filtered by adding silica sand filter (when the diatomaceous earth filter is used, the process can be canceled); then disinfect the pool water through the ozone system; heat the water by heating equipment (the outdoor swimming pool can cancel the process); in addition, the pH adjustment system controls the metering pump to inject acid and alkali into the circulating water to control the pH of the water in the scope specified by the state (pH=7.2-8.0); the disinfectant adjustment system uses the residual chlorine sensor or the redox potential sensor to measure the disinfection ability of the swimming pool, and the controller controls the metering pump to add sodium hypochlorite disinfectant (5% NaClO) to make The residual chlorine concentration in the swimming pool water is kept within the range specified by the state (0.4-0.6ppm), effectively killing various kinds bacteria, purification and disinfection is completed, filtered through a closed, heated, circulating water supplemented with sterilized water into the circulating water line together.